Balkan Strombafort 10 mg 100 tab


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Packing: 100 tab.
Active ingredient concentration: 10 mg/tab.
Manufacturer: SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL (Moldova).
Active ingredient: stanozolol (stanozolol).

Strombafort is one of the most popular oral stanozolol formulations. It is an anabolic steroid of synthetic origin with a moderate androgenic effect.

Strombafort: action

The drug helps to inhibit catabolic changes and the production of corticosteroids in the body. Strombafort activates anabolic processes and leads to a significant increase in muscle mass. The action of Strombafort is aimed at improving the supply of calcium to bones, which gives them hardness, as well as improving the quality of tissue nutrition.

Strombafort is similar in its principle of action to Stanabol, due to the same active substance – stanozolol. In some literary sources, you can find a description of Strombafort, which is often referred to as oral Winstrol.

Strombafort is the latest development


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